• Near Old Bhopa Bus Stand, Muzaffarnagar, (U.P.)
  • Email: angelsmzn@rediffmail.com
  • Call: 7505688286

Principal’s Message

Our late President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam once said that education in its real sense is the pursuit of truth. It is an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment. Our school, together with staff and management, has been facilitating the students towards the pursuit of truth. Our school has a reservoir of tremendous creativity and energy as it caters to the most enthusiastic group of society. Most children are born with an innate creative spirit. These creative minds and hearts filled with tremendous energy, if channelized properly can bring life and love to every sphere of our society. Therefore, at the heart of our school, is indeed our mission to foster supportive and inclusive learning where we inspire our dear students to develop their intellect, creativity, and character to become independent, adaptable, socially responsible citizens, by ensuring a dynamic, inquiry-driven education of the highest standard.

I genuinely believe that it is a joint endeavour of our parents, staff, and management to engage in the formation of our students and sow the seeds of wisdom and knowledge, courage and confidence, to achieve the sweetest fruits in the life of each student entrusted to our care. I owe our teachers respect and gratitude, and I assure them that they are not alone in the mission to support students. The parents together with teachers, also have a very crucial role to play in the life of our students at all levels and to prepare them to face the world with moral, spiritual and social values. Therefore, let us pledge together to take this sacred task very seriously and participate wholeheartedly in forming the young minds and hearts in our care to achieve their dreams towards a life of meaning and purpose.

May all our hopes and dreams be carried on eagles wings and be held in the mighty palm of our loving Father. Wishing & praying for abundant blessings on all of you.